Eight Books for Earth Day
On Earth Day, we would like to recognize Alberta books that insightfully speak to environmental issues through scholarly writing, poetry, journalistic writing, and fiction.
Kevin Van Tighem 
Published: Apr 27, 2021 by RMB | Rocky Mountain Books
ISBN: 9781771604857
This selection of works by naturalist, hunter, conservation activist, and outdoors journalist Kevin Van Tighem offers writings that remind us of what is best about the Alberta spirit, and offer the possibility of a more sustaining relationship with our place and with one another.
Doreen Vanderstoop 
Published: May 01, 2020 by Freehand Books
ISBN: 9781988298597
It is 2058, and the glaciers are gone. A catastrophic drought has hit the prairies. Willa Van Bruggen is desperately trying to keep her family goat farm afloat, hoping against hope that the new water pipeline arrives before the bill collectors do. Vividly illustrating the human cost of climate change, Watershed is a page-turner of a novel about forgiveness, adaptation, and family bonds.
David Martin’s debut collection is comprised of expansive and richly written poems, built on a lore-laden language, which explore the human and environmental cost of drawing too much from the land.
Published: Jan 15, 2019 by University of Calgary Press
ISBN: 9781552389850
An essential reference for all those interested in Canadian Environmental Law that comprehensively details the many unique issues of understanding and practice across the Canadian provinces and territories.
Published: Jun 30, 2021 by Athabasca University Press
ISBN: 9781771993272
Plastic Legacies brings together scholars from the fields of marine biology, psychology, anthropology, environmental studies, Indigenous studies, and media studies to investigate and address the urgent socio-ecological challenges brought about by plastics.
Published: Jan 21, 2019 by University of Calgary Press
ISBN: 9781773850047
Individual people working within their communities have the power to create incredible change. This collection offers the history of environmental activism from the ground up along with lessons and direction for activists today.
Mark Woods
Published: Jul 13, 2017 by Broadview Press
ISBN: 9781551113487
Mark Woods offers a rethinking of the received concept of wilderness, developing a positive account of wilderness as a significant location for the other-than-human value-adding properties of naturalness, wildness, and freedom. Interdisciplinary in approach, the book combines environmental philosophy, environmental history, environmental social sciences, the science of ecology, and the science of conservation biology.
Alice Major 
Published: Jan 31, 2018 by University of Alberta Press
ISBN: 9781772123685
Alice Major observes the comedy and the tragedy of this human-dominated moment on Earth. Major’s most persistent question—“Where do we fit in the universe?”—is made more urgent by the ecological calamity of human-driven climate change. Her poetry leads us to question human hierarchies, loyalties, and consciousness, and challenges us to find some humility in our overblown sense of our cosmic significance.
“No Definition of Alberta Culture is complete without recognizing the herculean efforts of Alberta publishers to bring the prodigious talents of Canadian writers to eager readers everywhere.”
~ Steve Budnarchuk, Audreys Books