Books We Love: Oldies but Goodies
An oldie but a goodie. These books are a few years old, but they’re just as good now, as when they were released. Find non-fiction books that remain topical, engaging fiction, and more!
Mother Earth Plants for Health & Beauty by Carrie Armstrong
The recipes and traditions found in this book reflect the culture and the knowledge of the Medicine Wheel, featuring 26 edible and medicinal plants that you can gather in nature. From stress-busting teas and bath bombs to skin-smoothing lotions and creams, get vibrant skin and a healthy glow with Carrie’s creations based on her grandmother’s traditional teachings.
Carrie Armstrong 
Published: Dec 01, 2020 by Eschia Books
ISBN: 9781926696645
Available as an accessible eBook
Alberta Animal Tracks by Ian Sheldon, Tamara Hartson
An essential reference guide, Alberta Animal Tracks will help you identify tracks of all shapes and sizes. This book is perfect for children, teachers, parents, backwoods explorers and naturalists. It includes excellent illustrations of the animals, detailed drawings of fore and hind prints, stride patterns, easy track identification, and animal behaviour.
Ian Sheldon
, Tamara Hartson 
Published: May 01, 2021 by Lone Pine Media
ISBN: 9781774510179
Available as an accessible eBook
Living in the Tall Grass by Chief Stacey Laforme
Written in a way that makes the reader feel he or she might be sitting down with Chief Laforme, Living in the Tall Grass displays a history of Chief Laforme’s people through stories and poetry. Some poems share humour, while others express pain, though each comes from the heart and lets non-Indigenous people see through the eyes of Indigenous people.
R. Stacey Laforme 
Published: Jan 28, 2018 by Durvile Publications Ltd.
ISBN: 9781988824055
Available as an accessible audiobook
Pourin’ Down Rain by Cheryl Foggo
Pourin’ Down Rain is the 30th anniversary edition of Cheryl Foggo’s landmark work about growing up Black on the Canadian prairies. Cheryl grew up in the warm embrace of a community of extended family and friends, with roots in the Black migration of 1910 across the western provinces. But as an adolescent, Cheryl struggled against the negative attitudes towards Blackness she and her family encountered. As Cheryl explores her ancestry, what comes to light gives her the confidence to claim her place in the Canadian west as a proud Black woman.
Cheryl Foggo 
Published: Jan 24, 2020 by Brush Education
ISBN: 9781550598339
Available as an accessible eBook
Spark of Light edited by Valerie Henitiuk, Supriya Kar
Spark of Light is a diverse collection of short stories by women writers from the Indian province of Odisha. Originally written in Odia and dating from the late nineteenth century to the present, these stories offer a multiplicity of voices—some sentimental and melodramatic, others rebellious and bold—and capture the predicament of characters who often live on the margins of society.
Published: Dec 15, 2016 by Athabasca University Press
ISBN: 9781771991674
Available as an accessible eBook
The Weekender Effect II by Robert William Sandford
The pandemic, and the rapid introduction of technologies in its wake that enabled many to work from home, have put spectacular pressure on mountain and other resort communities that were already under siege by outside and foreign speculators and increasingly overwhelmed by owners of second and even third homes. The sequel to an earlier book on the same concerns, The Weekender Effect II: Fallout is a passionate plea for considered development in these precious communities and for the necessary protection and restoration of landscapes and positive transformation of local values, identity, and sense of place, here and everywhere.
The Weekender Effect II: Fallout
Robert William Sandford 
Published: May 23, 2023 by RMB | Rocky Mountain Books
ISBN: 9781771606080
Available as an accessible eBook
The Eavesdroppers by Rosie Chard
When social attitudes researcher Bill Harcourt puts an advertisement in the newspaper for ‘listeners’ to work on an unconventional project, he anticipates that his team of eavesdroppers will discover previously untapped insights into public opinion. But as five eager listeners begin eavesdropping in the cafes, dentist waiting rooms, public toilets, tube trains and launderettes of London, discreetly noting the details of unguarded conversations, Bill starts to notice subtle changes in their behaviour and realises he has underestimated the compulsive nature of his group.
Rosie Chard 
Published: Sep 01, 2018 by NeWest Press
ISBN: 9781988732442
Available as an accessible eBook
Impact edited by E. D. Morin, Jane Cawthorne
In Impact, 21 women writers consider the effects of concussion on their personal and professional lives. The anthology bears witness to the painstaking work that goes into redefining identity and regaining creative practice after a traumatic event. By sharing their complex and sometimes incomplete healing journeys, these women convey the magnitude of a disability which is often doubted, overlooked, and trivialized, in part because of its invisibility. Impact offers compassion and empathy to all readers and families healing from concussion and other types of trauma.
Published: Sep 07, 2021 by University of Alberta Press
ISBN: 9781772125818
Available as an accessible eBook
Tangles by Sarah Leavitt
What do you do when your outspoken, passionate, and quick-witted mother starts fading into a forgetful, fearful woman? In this powerful graphic memoir, Sarah Leavitt reveals how Alzheimer’s disease transformed her mother Midge—and her family—forever. In spare black and white drawings and clear, candid prose, Sarah shares her family’s journey through a harrowing range of emotions—shock, denial, hope, anger, frustration—all the while learning to cope, and managing to find moments of happiness. Soon to be a film starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus!
Sarah Leavitt 
Published: Sep 01, 2010 by Freehand Books
ISBN: 9781551111179
Available as an accessible eBook
The Book of Sensations by Sheri-D Wilson
The Book of Sensations by Sheri-D Wilson embodies an intricate ecosystem of language and feeling. These poems reach their roots down into the depths of what it means to be—to connect to one another, and to connect to the earth. With fine-tuned vocabulary, far-reaching observation, and the dream-vision of the surrealist eye, Sheri-D delves into the personal and the universal, the everyday and the mythical.
Sheri-D Wilson 
Published: Feb 24, 2017 by University of Calgary Press
ISBN: 9781552389188
Exploring Space by Tamara Hartson
Part of the Super Explorers series, Exploring Space takes readers far into space with the astronauts and other space exploration missions. The children’s book introduces the basic concepts of space to early readers and includes information about careers related to space.
Tamara Hartson 
Published: Sep 06, 2022 by Blue Bike Books
ISBN: 9781989209165
Available as an accessible eBook
Electric Vice: Pass Me By by Kat Simmers, Ryan Danny Owen
1973: a chance encounter between Ed and the captivating androgynous singer of the pulse-pounding glam rock band ELECTRIC VICE, pulls Ed into a world of mascara, weathered leather, platform heels and neon. A queer love story set in the outrageous world of 1970s glam rock, Pass Me By: Electric Vice is a journey of self-discovery, heartache, glam rock, and love. An inverted coming of age story about understanding queer identity and what happens to the stories you never tell.
Kyle Simmers
, Ryan Danny Owen
Published: Oct 19, 2021 by Renegade Arts Entertainment
ISBN: 9781988903859
Available as an accessible eBook
“No Definition of Alberta Culture is complete without recognizing the herculean efforts of Alberta publishers to bring the prodigious talents of Canadian writers to eager readers everywhere.”
~ Steve Budnarchuk, Audreys Books