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A Rainbow of Books

a ROYGBIV colour spectrum

Orange is but a cover—

Tear fruit and peel asunder,

reveal the wonder:

June’s sweet treats for you, book lover

It’s June and, as promised, we continue to celebrate the wonderful work book designers do. Read Alberta asked members of the Book Publishers Association of Alberta to send us covers of books that span the entire spectrum. This month, we feature Orange book covers from Alberta publishers …

ed. Valerie Henitiuk and Supriya Kar

Originally written in Odia and dating from the late nineteenth century to the present, these stories offer a multiplicity of voices—some sentimental and melodramatic, others rebellious and bold—and capture the predicament of characters who often live on the margins of society.

Spark of Light: Short Stories by Women Writers of Odisha

Published: Dec 15, 2016 by Athabasca University Press
ISBN: 9781771991674

Cherie Dimaline

An Anthology of Monsters by Cherie Dimaline, award-winning author of The Marrow Thieves, is the tale of an intricate dance with life-long anxiety. It is about how the stories we tell ourselves can help reshape the ways in which we think, cope, and ultimately survive.

An Anthology of Monsters: How Story Saves Us from Our Anxiety

Cherie Dimaline (CA)

Published: Feb 15, 2023 by Canadian Literature Centre / Centre de littérature canadienne
ISBN: 9781772126822

Glen Huser

From small-town Alberta, Curtis comes to Edmonton to obtain a teaching degree. There he forms a close friendship with his elderly, blind Aunt Harriet, considered a family pariah due to her eccentric enthusiasm for a lost world of artists and musicians.

When Curtis begins reading aloud to Harriet the diary her intended husband Phillip kept before his death during World War One, an obsessed Curtis examines parallels to his own life: his desire to become a skillful artist and to find fulfilling love.

Burning the Night

Glen Huser (CA)

Published: May 15, 2021 by NeWest Press
ISBN: 9781774390115

Nicholle Carriére

Kids love playing in the dirt, so why not focus their play by helping them to create their own special garden. They will love to plant the seeds, watch them sprout and then enjoy the fruits of their labours, be it vegetables, fruit or flowers. Get them started early with this handy little book. It includes fun gardening activities, recommendations of what to plant with your children and lots of colourful photos.

My First Garden: Activities for Children 3-6 Years

Nicholle Carrière (CA)

Published: May 15, 2022 by Lone Pine Media
ISBN: 9781774510094

Kevin Kuipers

The First Nations communities of western Canada have a rich heritage in their knowledge of the aspects of nature and have for generations recognized the vast diversity of plants that help to nourish and heal. The purpose of this book is to provide a resource for the Little Red River Cree Nation that not only aids in identifying species of plants, animals, birds, fish and insects local to the area, but also teaches children and adults alike Cree names, traditional uses and name origins. Elders in the community gathered to record information about the ways they used local plants and animals, information shared only orally from time immemorial, until now.

Little Red River Cree Nation Nature Guide

Kevin Kuipers (CA)

Published: Jun 15, 2017 by Eschia Books
ISBN: 9781926696409

James Davidge

The turmoil of the Great Depression galvanized Canadians to rise up and fight for improved labour conditions, social equality and universal healthcare. In the frontier city of Calgary, Holly Burnside and Brian Mah get involved with the founding of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, the first national party dedicated to the needs of workers and farmers. Set amidst the riotous times of the Great Depression, 1st Legion of Utopia explores the forces surrounding the founding of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), the trail blazing party of first female Member of Parliament Agnes Macphail and Tommy Douglas, the leader most instrumental in Canada adopting what has become one of our defining policies – public health care. The CCF went on to become the modern day NDP. Free study guide available.

1st Legion of Utopia

James Davidge (CA)

Published: Apr 29, 2019 by Renegade Arts Entertainment
ISBN: 9781988903545

ed. Ana Ruiz Aguirre and Liuba González de Armas

This multi-genre anthology of writings on art beyond the walls of the museum by Hispanic Canadian writers harnesses the spirit of Nuit Blanche, encouraging readers to look to their own connection with the visual.

Beyond the Gallery an Anthology of Visual Encounters: An Anthology of Visual Encounters

Published: Oct 15, 2021 by Laberinto Press
ISBN: 9781777085919

Sharon Butala

In this incisive collection, Sharon Butala reflects on the ways her life has changed as she’s grown old. She knows that society fails the elderly massively, and so she tackles ageism and loneliness, friendship and companionship. She writes with pointed wit and acerbic humour about dinner parties and health challenges and forgetfulness and complicated family relationships and the pandemic — and lettuce. And she tells her story with the tremendous skill and beauty of a writer who has masterfully honed her craft over the course of her storied four-decade career.

This Strange Visible Air: Essays on Aging and the Writing Life

Sharon Butala (CA)

Published: Sep 13, 2021 by Freehand Books
ISBN: 9781988298962

Wendy Pirk

Let’s go on safari to Africa where there are many of the most iconic animals in the world: elephants, lions, cheetahs, zebras, gazelles and many more!

Laugh Out Loud Nature On Safari

Wendy Pirk

Published: Sep 01, 2023 by Folklore Publishing
ISBN: 9781897206362

Wendy Pirk and Duane Radford

Rodeo is one of the most exciting contests in the world. From bull riding to chuckwagon racing, discover what makes a rodeo so thrilling and what it takes to be a rodeo cowboy.

Rodeo Roundup

Wendy Pirk (CA), Duane Radford (CA)

Published: Jul 15, 2017 by Dragon Hill Publishing
ISBN: 9781896124636