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Last Modified: April 13, 2021
Feature image for Monday Poems series featuring the cover image for From Turtle Island to Gaza by David Groulx
Monday Poems: From Turtle Island to Gaza by David Groulx

For National Poetry Month, we’re sharing poems from the shortlisted collections for the Alberta Reads Book Club. Today’s Monday Poems are selections from David Groulx’s From Turtle Island to Gaza. This collection is an expression of solidarity with the people of Palestine and contains a message of hope for colonized peoples. Groulx’s brief, yet powerful poems ground the abstract issues of colonization into heartfelt human terms and remind readers that colonialism is not a historic concept, it is a current reality.



I am wearing

a blue line

across the desert sky

I braid the light

across the desert earth



We are like the

wholeness of the sun

the light sinks

into the






The spring is always


with snow

ah, the dust

of an angry



to bring



Excerpts from From Turtle Island to Gaza by David Groulx (Athabasca University Press 2019)

David Groulx lives in Vanier, Ontario. His poetry has appeared in over 160 publications in 16 countries. He is the author of 13 books of poetry including Wabigoon River Poems (Kegedonce 2015) and The Windigo Chronicles (BookLand Press 2016). His work has appeared most recently in Contemporary Verse 2, Transmotion, The Muse, Rabbit: A Journal for Non-Fiction Poetry, and The Stonecoast Review.

At the end of National Poetry Month, we are giving away a prize pack containing the poetry collections from our Monday Poems series including From Turtle Island to Gaza by David Groulx. Sign up for our newsletter to win! If you’re already signed up, you’re already entered! This giveaway is open to Canadian residents.

From Turtle Island to Gaza

David Groulx (CA)

Published: Apr 30, 2019 by Athabasca University Press
ISBN: 9781771992619