Home » Editorial Cartoon by Derek Evernden: July 2021
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…inspired by Derek Evernden’s Editorial Cartoon for July 2021:
About the artist:
Derek Evernden is a cartoonist and illustrator hailing from the Village of Milo in Vulcan County. His comic Bogart Creek has been collected in two volumes, with a third on the way in 2022, published by Canmore’s Renegade Arts Entertainment. (Author photo credit: Gillian Williamson, Studio Lumen). derekevernden.com, bogartcreek.com
6 Books You Should Not Put Off Reading
If the guy in the cartoon had gotten around to reading Chapter 3 of Gnomes: Little Helpers or Tiny Cannibals, he might realize that no matter what, you want to avoid letting a gnome’s blood sugar drop too drastically; if a happy little helper turns hangry, who knows what could happen! Cannibalism is not out of the question. Luckily, most modern gnomes live in gardens, and what better way to keep those bellies full than with a luscious veggie patch. The Prairie Gardener’s Go-To for Vegetables by Janet Melrose and Sheryl Normandeau is just the ticket! (You can check out the specifics of growing potatoes—a beloved treat of garden gnomes—in this excerpt from June, 2021.)
Janet Melrose
, Sheryl Normandeau 
Published: May 12, 2020 by TouchWood Editions
ISBN: 9781771513128
While gnomes might love a good ol’ pomme de terre, their cousins, the forest-dwelling dwarves, are a little more wary of anything with the word “pomme” in it. Maybe it’s time for them to read Joan Crate’s subUrban Legends, a collection of poems that deliciously invokes the iconic figure of Snow White and considers what lies beyond youth and the trite promise of “happily ever after.”
Joan Crate 
Published: Apr 01, 2009 by Freehand Books
ISBN: 9781551119618
Speaking of what lies beyond youth, in You Look Good For Your Age, Rona Altrows brings together twenty-nine contributing writers who—through essays, short stories, and poetry—share their distinct opinions, impressions, and speculations on aging and ageism and their own growth as people. In these thoughtful, fierce, and funny works, the writers show their belief in women and the aging process.
Published: May 03, 2021 by University of Alberta Press
ISBN: 9781772125320
But back to youth. Alberta’s youth! The future generation! Educational assistants play a vital role in helping all students feel valued, capable, and included as they tackle a new way of learning. The Educational Assistant’s Guide to Supporting Inclusion in a Diverse Society uses case studies and examples to present an accessible, practical guide which can enhance classrooms.
Carole Massing
, Bonnie Anderson
, Carol Anderson 
Published: Aug 03, 2020 by Brush Education
ISBN: 9781550598582
Early in the pandemic, over 20,000 educational assistants and substitute teachers were laid off. Many say that, had it not been for these cuts, schools could have been more successful at staying open and safe from Covid-19. But where could this funding have come from? As the province scrambles to boost the dying oil economy and curb spending, one solution is all but ignored by parties on the left and the right—a sales tax. In this collection, Alberta scholars and policy experts map out why and how a provincial sales tax should and can be implemented. Drawing on policy analysis, recent history, personal experiences, and conversations with Albertans, former politicians, and senior public servants, contributors build a decisive case for why a sales tax is a more efficient tax than corporate or personal income taxes.
Published: Jun 30, 2022 by Athabasca University Press
ISBN: 9781771992978
If we’re talking about ways to shift away from the dying oil economy, Calgary—and its struggle for a just transition to a post-carbon world—is a great place to look. Addressing a wide variety of topics and themes, including energy, diversity, economic development, and ecological health, Sustainability Matters is both a critique of current practice and a vision for the future. This is essential reading not only for every Calgarian working for a vibrant and sustainable future, but for all those interested in in the future of cities in a post-carbon world.
Noel Keough 
Published: Sep 15, 2021 by University of Calgary Press
ISBN: 9781773852485
“No Definition of Alberta Culture is complete without recognizing the herculean efforts of Alberta publishers to bring the prodigious talents of Canadian writers to eager readers everywhere.”
~ Steve Budnarchuk, Audreys Books