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Last Modified: January 20, 2023
Beyond the Stacks with Jessie Bach feature image: wrapped gifts on a red background.
All You Need for Christmas Is…

by Jessie Bach

Christmas shopping can be a challenge! It’s tough finding that perfect something for that special someone, all while trying not to break the bank.

What is this Perfect Gift? It’s

… A Library Card!

Screenshot of a Edmonton Public Library Card and a Rockyford Library card

I have a suggestion for one gift that will be perfect for everyone on your list. It’s great for people of all ages and with all sorts of diverse interests. It’s widely available, easy to wrap, and will provide hours and hours of entertainment. The best part? It’s usually $20 or less—sometimes even free, depending on where you live! That’s right, a shiny new library card is the perfect gift for everyone on your list! No matter who you are shopping for, a library has you covered this holiday season.

A library card is perfect gift for…

…Your Health-Nut Cousin Who Drinks a Green Smoothie Every Morning

There’s one in every family isn’t there? With his new library card, your cousin will have access to recipe books that accommodate whichever new fad diet he’s trying out. It doesn’t matter whether it’s keto, paleo, or gluten-free. Once the workouts are fuelled, he can check out his local “Library of Things” and borrow the equipment he’ll need to try out a new sport or activity like snowshoeing, tennis or pickleball. As a bonus, he can download the latest bestselling thriller from OverDrive or CloudLibrary to keep his mind busy during all those hours of marathon training.

…Your Up-to-Date Uncle, the Political Pundit and Current Events Enthusiast

Screenshot of the Press Reader website page. A featured carousel displays the cover pages for the following newspapers: Wall Street Journal, South China Morning Post, Calgary Herald, Vietnam Investment Review, and Passer Des Mois Sans Pouvoir Travailler. Libraries have tons to offer for those who love to stay up to date with the latest news. With PressReader, patrons can access thousands of newspapers and magazines online, including the Calgary Herald, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, and Newsweek.


On the Read Alberta eBooks platform, your uncle will be able to access a broad collection of Alberta-published magazines, including Alberta Views, which is billed as “the magazine for engaged citizens,” and contains in-depth political analysis and social commentary.

For those who want to get even more involved on a local level, libraries also regularly host forums during election time so that people can meet and greet their local candidates.

…Your Voracious Bookish Niece Who Reads Ten Chapter Books Per Week

She’s just like you were as a kid. Always reading. She goes through books faster than her mom can buy them. For her, the gift of a library card will open up a world filled with an unlimited number of books! And if, somehow, her local branch doesn’t have the title she’s looking for or the next book in her favourite series, that’s no problem. Just let her conjure up the magic of interlibrary loans—all she needs to do is place a hold (or fifty) on the online catalogue and the books will be streaming in before she knows it. She’ll also love sharing her enthusiasm for reading with her family by joining a book club like the Parent-Child Book Club offered in Lacombe or the Family Book Club at Edmonton Public Library. You’ll be the greatest Auntie or Uncle ever.

…Your Handy Dad Who Knows How to Fix (Just About) Everything

A screenshot of the Auto Repair website page. A listing about "Bleed Brakes" is displayed.

Because even the handiest Dad doesn’t know everything (don’t let him know that you know), many Alberta libraries provide an online resource like Auto Repair Source, which contains service and repair instructions for thousands of domestic and imported vehicles. And since a handy Dad is also often a thrifty Dad, he can borrow the tools he needs for any job around the house—like a jigsaw, ladder, or stud finder—from many “Libraries of Things” across the province.

…Your Sweet Grandma Who Loves to Knit, Paint, and Scrapbook

Creativebug logoGrandma will be pumped to use her new library card to access the free arts and crafts video classes available from the online resource Creativebug, which is offered by many Alberta libraries! Not to mention the plethora of good old-fashioned books on crafty subjects—there are many such books available at libraries across the province. Granny can even get out to connect with other local knitters at one of the many library knitting clubs across the province like the In-Stitches Knitting Group in Lethbridge, the Knit Wits in Morinville, or the Drop-In Knitting Group in Beaumont.

…Your Brilliant Best Friend, an Aspiring Writer Working on Her First Novel

biblioboard logoYour talented pal will love using her new library card to access BiblioBoard and Pressbooks to create print-ready and eBook formats for her next novel! She can even submit her book to the Indie Author Project to be shared with patrons of participating libraries across the region. Many Alberta libraries also host a Writer in Residence who is available as a resource to novice writers through public events like presentations, workshops, and readings. They may also offer mentorship to other writers in the community by reviewing manuscripts and providing advice and insights about the publishing world. Don’t be surprised when you see her name on the Alberta Bestsellers list!

To get your hands on this “must-have” for the holiday season, visit your local library in person or online!

Please note that while I’ve linked throughout this post to a variety of services offered by a number of libraries across Alberta, you’ll need to check with your local branch about which resources, things, and programs are available to people in your area.

Beyond the Stacks is a column about libraries in Alberta and the useful and necessary services they provide.

Photo of Jessie Bach, author of this articleJessie Bach grew up on a family farm in Southern Alberta, and is a life-long library user and book lover. She has a degree in history from the University of Saskatchewan, and a Master of Library and Information Studies from Dalhousie University. Jessie has worked in archives, academic libraries, corporate records management, and now public libraries. Her current role is Bibliographic Services Manager at Marigold Library System where she manages the team that does acquisitions, cataloguing and processing of library material for Marigold’s thirty-six member libraries. She currently lives in Calgary with her partner and, in true librarian fashion, four cats. Jessie likes to read (of course), knit, consume way too many true crime podcasts, and lift weights in the gym. 

Feature image credit: George Dolgikh