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Last Modified: May 18, 2021
Alberta Reads Book Club Announcement: June 2021

The Book Publishers Association of Alberta has announced the selected title for the June 2021 Alberta Reads Book Club: Chasia’s Enchantment: Mediations, Poems, Inspirations by Hilda Chasia Smith, published by Durvile Publications.

The shortlisted titles are available digitally at Alberta public libraries through the Read Alberta eBooks and Prairie Indigenous eBook Collections. They are also available through local bookstores across Canada.

Over the course of May and June, readers will have the chance to participate in online book club discussions over Facebook, Twitter, or through the Alberta Reads webpage. Further book club events, questions and programming will be announced in the following weeks.

Find book club questions, author and publisher information, and details on future Alberta Reads Book Club titles by visiting the Alberta Reads Book Club webpage. Join the ongoing conversation by following #ABreads and #ABbooks on social media.

Drawing upon wisdom and teachings of the Torah, Pranayama yoga, and her own virtuosity for living a peaceful life, Hilda Chasia Smith’s guided meditations and inspirational words take us on journeys of calmness and joy. From Pranayama come essences of breath, mindfulness, and inner peace. From teachings of the Torah and Kabbala come kindness, compassion, humility, and self-respect. These motifs work together with love to immerse us into the enchanted world of Hilda Chasia Smith.

Chasia's Enchantment: Meditations, Poems and Inspirations

Hilda Chasia Smith (CA)

Published: Jan 28, 2021 by Durvile Publications
ISBN: 9781988824536